Dominions 4 Wiki


Civilization has finally reached Pangaea and the halfmen have built cities and are using iron armaments. The strong and well-armed minotaurs and centaurs are formidable warriors, but the priests have diminished in power.


Pangaea is a woodland nation inhabited by wild beings connected with nature. Halfmen such as satyrs, centaurs and minotaurs serve the lords of the Sacred Groves deep in the forests. In ancient times, the woods covered much of the world, but that has changed. Civilization has finally reached the forests of tempered steel. Ancient cultic practices have all but disappeared and human females once attracted to the wild dances and songs no longer seek the revelry of the Panic tunes.


table with sprites

Strategy Overview[]

general discussion of pretender design, strengths and weaknesses, counters

Strategy Guides[]

links to pages where people can submit their own in-depth guides
